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Friday, May 11, 2012

A republic; democracy; which is it in America? - Society

A republic; democracy; which is it in America?I must have support to enlighten the people that the words they hear is not the true meaning of the words conveyed, even if the people looked the two words up they would be even more confused about the deference of the two political terms and what they actually mean.So the definition of each is repeated here because I also believe if asking a thousand people on the street you would not get both meanings as written here, and if the definitionwas given to them to read before asking their view of these political terms it would be a book as confusing as the title 26 IRS code book.democracy (d -m k r -s ) n. pl. democracies 1. Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.2. A political or social unit that has such a government.3. The common people, considered as the primary source of political power.4. Majority rule.5. The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community.________________________________________[French dmocratie, from Late Latin d mocratia, from Greek d mokrati: d mos, people; see d - in Indo-European roots + -krati, -cracy.]

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reservedI want to point your attention to line 4 and I will comment on it after the definition of:

republic (r -p b l k) n. 1. a. A political order whose head of state is not a monarch and in modern times is usually a president.b. A nation that has such a political order.2. a. A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.b. A nation that has such a political order.3. Republic A specific republican government of a nation: the Fourth Republic of France.4. An autonomous or partially autonomous political and territorial unit belonging to a sovereign federation.5. A group of people working as equals in the same sphere or field: the republic of letters.________________________________________[French rpublique, from Old French, from Latin r sp blica: r s, thing; see r - in Indo-European roots + p blica, feminine of p blicus, of the people; see public.]

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Now this is sad, the definitions are neatly worded and hidden is the fact that a person is one of the people with rights greater than the government that politics' have built today, the granted rights to the person is through the people not the government./browse/Republic

A true Republic is by the people for the people, and the word "people" can be singular or plural.

It is virtually hidden from us in the English language. What is the truth let me say Harry Atwood's definition is plain and easy to see the difference.

I am not going to quote the whole preface in Harry's book, First 1913 "OUR REPUBLIC" A study in forms of government demonstrating the truth of the following proposition:

Failures: Autocracy= The extreme.Failures: Democracy= The other extreme.

Success: Republic= The Golden mean. = The Standard form.

The Purpose of the book is:1. To make clear the meaning of the words "autocracy" "democracy" "republic;"2. To encourage a more accurate use of governmental terms, and 3. To urge the importance of avoiding the dangers of the extremes of both autocracy and democracy, and the vital need of adhering strictly and literally to the fundamentals of the republic, which is the golden mean between autocracy and democracy?

A republic gives the people a right to petition and that the people may be one person making them one of the people have the same rights as the whole people.

Mr. Atwood prediction is very worthy of praise and gratitude, it is sad that it goes unheard and or promoted in this land of the people.Mr. Atwood was the founder-owner of the Constitution Educational Association.

He was the originator of constitution week.

I propose to begin a association similar to Mr. Atwood whom worked for more than thirty-two years teaching the wrongs and rights of the government then, and he would be wondering what could have he done then to stop the mess we are in now. I can say this beast has itself grown until it feels as it is one of the people having more rights than the people that gave the beast it's rights to begin with.I need time to train the people, by free seminars with massive incentive to attend, a book of Mr. Atwood's "OUR REPUBLIC" and also "The Constitution Explained" and with several free thinking constitutional instructors and/or speakers to convey their understanding of the points mentioned in the constitution.If I am granted my wish of following Mr. Atwood's Constitution Educational association, with which to train the people in the United States, I will hold conferences and seminars. This alone will not be a strong draw of the people to come and sit through a class room setting, i t would be best to blast it across the media, but payment will be needed in huge amounts for the sound bites and infomercials that may bring the needed education, but a huge audience advertising would then be needed and also I think a paid mailing advertising from a top notch advertising agency would be a nice addition, to train the people of their rights and about this paper we call the Constitution of the United States.

I ask you to reply and offer support for the training to the people, learning that the ownership of the government is with each person of the people in the land known as the United States of America.

I cannot let the definitions as they are given for, republic, go without the truth being presented to the people. It is our duty to be truthful about the words and their meanings. I suppose Ron Paul would be the best instructor and I would like to have his approval and support for a cause, that many will shoot down it usefulness by the people.

I thank you for taking the time to read this and consideration to support this national circuit of knowledge.

Mr. Harry Atwood's book that asks the three words uppermost in the minds of people throughout all the world in 1913 and today are a democracy in a Republic form of government. What do you mean when you use the word autocracy, what do you mean when you use the word democracy, what would you mean when you use the word Republic?Write down your own definitions of those three words, stop the first one hundred people you meet and ask each of them these three questions.This is what I would like to do, ask 1000 people in 30 of the largest cities in the U.S. Readers, it would be easy for us to use this site and its ability to allow each of us to reply to each post with the answers given by people on the street, at work, in the country clubs all across the United States.I'll say after compiling their replies, and you will have a compilation that could win a prize in a museum of curiosities.

Also, I would be like to journey to the National Capital, beginning with the president's closest hundred men who are most prominently identified with the national government these three questions, you would have material for a scrapbook the reading of which would be confusing to the mind.

I would also like to visit the state capitals, and, starting with the governor's most prominently identified with the state government and each commonwealth the same three questions, and have their replies compiled, you have a volume of interesting contradictions.

The purpose of this grant would be to make clear the meaning of the words autocracy, democracy and republic:The above is close to what Mr. Atwood wrote but it is not an exact copy from his book. I am very lucky to have these books of Mr. Atwood.

The purpose is to encourage a more accurate use of the governmental terms by paying for media time and holding seminars.

To urge the importance of avoiding the dangers of the extremes of the autocracy and democracy and the vital need of adhering strictly and literally to the fundamentals of the Republic, this is a golden mean between autocracy and democracy.

Organization is the best method whereby a concentration of thought, single in a purpose to use the actions of the people, may secure the accomplishments of the desired results.

Apiotov uetpov which means;The medium is best.

I wish to thank Mr. Atwood's Grandson for carrying his forefather's desires and crossing paths with me by happenstance. May the best of all my wishes be for you and your desire to see the country revert back to a republic nation of the people by the people?

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