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Thursday, December 12, 2013

How to Create a Website in 6 Easy Ways - Web Design

This may come as a surprise, but creating a website is not as hard as you think it is. Many starting out online find that effective website design can be very time consuming. However, we are making it more difficult than it needs to be. Designing an effective e-commerce website can be done in 6 easy steps.

1. Conceptualize your idea

Think about what you would like your website to offer your visitors. Everything you do with your website should have one goal in mind - the fulfillment of your visitors' needs. If your visitors are satisfied, not only will they come back for more, but they will also recommend your website to their friends (which will get you more visitors).

2. Find a Host

Hosting companies are not that expensive. You can get very good hosting for a very reasonable price of $70 for two years. Depending on your financial situation, you can get a more expensive host that will also offer you more features and benefits. If you don't want to spend money, there are lots of sites that are hosting for free (one thing to consider with these hosts, is that their banner must be placed on your site).

3. Start with Your First Page

Decide on the layout and design of your first pages. Even though that are many WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editors available, a basic knowledge of HTML will make this process easier. You will be able to create a better site with HTML. If you don't have a good understanding of HTML, there are many tutorials available online - take advantage of them and apply your knowledge to the website that you are designing.

4. Edit Your Page

Check all the little details on your page. Is the loading quick and navigation easy? Is the web design pleasing to the eyes? Make sure the fonts are readable and there are no spelling and grammar mistakes. Some of these may seem like tiny things but they do make up the whole website. If you need to redo the page, do it. Rather spend the time redoing it, that putting up a disastrous page.

5. Design the Rest of Your Pages

The goal isn't only to attract visitors and keep them, but also to gain more visitors. The more you edit, proofread, edit, and proofread, the better the payoff will be. You website is your front line and capable of attracting visitors that buy, so never, ever sacrifice the quality of your website.

6. Submit Your Pages to Your Host

After completion of the editing and proofreading of your pages, submit them to your host and wait for them to be shown on the Internet. Also remember to regularly update you pages to make sure you don't lose your target audience.

Was that difficult? You may not have realized it yet, but your site is completed. As can be seen, to design an effective website doesn't have to be difficult. Follow these 6 easy steps and your website will be up and running (and attracting visitors) before you know it.

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