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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Jingdong would push ebook platform to against dangdang - Business

December 9,, the news from , said recently released ebook store jingdong will plan, roll out PC and mobile client software, but its not with hardware reading devices.

It is reported, jingdong , the first online books of the more than 80000 varieties, including the ebook, digital journal category, multimedia ebook, cooperation supplier more than 200.

plan to fully integrate resources, content, in the industry chain will be in the mainstream of the content providers cooperation, including the press, the publishing company, copyright company, writers, etc.; Downstream with many manufacturers will hardware, and at the same time, the will synchronize introduced support various mobile hardware equipment reading the client, including cell phones, tablet computer, handheld reader, etc. The first phase out first PC and Android system client, then releasing IOS, Windows Phone system client, and may be introduced with the reader of adaptation client.

However, and amazon Kindle reader to push sales ebook different, will not to do our own ebook hardware reading devices.

At present, the jingdong enterprise already and HanWang, a grand collaboration, roll out content mall

According to a disclosure, was launched after , and there are plans to launch the second half of 2012 digital music business.

It is worth noting that, in the near future, the dangdang network also announced will launch , including 90% in the following 10 yuan price paid , iOS and download Android mobile terminal applications download and has arises when their own electronic reader.

And the insiders, the launch of jingdong will also compete with dangdang .

Last year, the had and dangdang network for book business spread saliva war

December 9,, the news from , said recently released ebook store jingdong will plan, roll out PC and mobile client software, but its not with hardware reading devices.

It is reported, jingdong , the first online books of the more than 80000 varieties, including the ebook, digital journal category, multimedia ebook, cooperation supplier more than 200.

plan to fully integrate resources, content, in the industry chain will be in the mainstream of the content providers cooperation, including the press, the publishing company, copyright company, writers, etc.; Downstream with many manufacturers will hardware, and at the same time, the will synchronize introduced support various mobile hardware equipment reading the client, including cell phones, tablet computer, handheld reader, etc. The first phase out first PC and Android system client, then releasing IOS, Windows Phone system client, and may be introduced with the reader of adaptation client.

However, and amazon Kindle reader to push sales ebook different, will not to do our own ebook hardware reading devices.

At present, the jingdong enterprise already and HanWang, a grand collaboration, roll out content mall

According to a disclosure, was launched after , and there are plans to launch the second half of 2012 digital music business.

It is worth noting that, in the near future, the dangdang network also announced will launch , including 90% in the following 10 yuan price paid , iOS and download Android mobile terminal applications download and has arises when their own electronic reader.

And the insiders, the launch of jingdong will also compete with dangdang .

Last year, the had and dangdang network for book business spread saliva war

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Monday, December 30, 2013

Computer Software Piracy - Computers - Software

Computer Software Piracy and it's Impact on the International Economy The PC industry is over twenty years old. In those twenty years, evolving softwaretechnology brings us faster, more sophisticated, versatile and easy-to-use products.Business software allows companies to save time, effort and money. Educationalcomputer programs teach basic skills and complicated subjects. Home software nowincludes a wide variety of programs that enhance the users productivity and creativity.The industry is thriving and users stand to benefit along with the publishers. The SPA(Software Publishers Association) reports that the problem of software theft has grown,and threatens to prevent the development of new software products. Unauthorizedduplication of software is known as software piracy which is a "Federal offense thataffects everyone" ("Software Use..." Internet). The following research examinessoftware piracy in its various forms, its impact on the end user and the internationalindus try as a whole, and the progress that has been made in alleviating the problem. Software piracy harms all software companies and ultimately, the end user. Piracyresults in higher prices for honest users, reduced levels of support and delays in fundingand development of new products, causing the overall breadth and quality of software tosuffer" ("What is..." Internet). Even the users of unlawful copies suffer from their ownillegal actions: they receive no documentation, no customer support and no informationabout product updates ("Software Use..." Internet). The White Paper says that while virtually every software publisher expressesconcern about their software from unauthorized duplication, over time, many havesimply accepted the so-called "fact" that such duplication is unavoidable. This hascreated an atmosphere in which software piracy is commonly accepted as "just anothercost of doing business" ("With the Growth..." Internet). In a brochure published by the SPA it is s tated that a major problem arises fromthe fact that most people do not even know they are breaking the law. "Because thesoftware industry is relatively new, and because copying software is so easy, many peopleare either unaware of the laws governing software use or choose to ignore them" ("ToCopy or not to Copy" Internet). Robert Perry states that much of the problem of software theft arises from the waythe software industry developed. In the past, when a software firm spent millions ofdollars to write a program for a mainframe computer, it knew it would sell a handful ofcopies. It licensed each copy to protect its ownership rights and control the use of eachcopy. That is easy to do with only a few copies of a program. It is impossible for asoftware company to handle five million copies of there latest program (27). Software piracy is defined as any violations of software license agreements. In1964, the United States Copyright Office began to register software as a form of literaryexpression. The Copyright Act, title 17 of the U.S. Code, was amended in 1980 toexplicitly include computer programs. Today, according to the Copyright Act, it is illegalto make or distribute copyrighted material without authorization, the only exceptions arethe user's right to make as an "essential step" in using the program (for example, bycopying the program into RAM or on the hard drive) and to make a single backup copyfor "archival purposes." No other copies may be made without specific authorizationfrom the copyright owner (title 17 section 117). A SPA press release shows that in December 1990, the U.S. Congress approvedthe Software Rental Amendments Act, which generally prohibits the rental, leasing orlending of software with out the express written permission of the copyright holder("Retailers Agree..." Internet). "It doesn't mater whether the transaction is called 'rental,'buy-back,' 'try before you buy,' preview,' 'evaluation' or any similar term. If theso ftware dealer does not have written permission from the copyright holders to rentsoftware, it is illegal to do so." said Sandra Sellers, SPA vice president of intellectualproperty education and enforcement ("SPA sues..." Internet.") NERDC information services researched that the copyright holder may grantadditional rights at the time the personal computer software is acquired. For example,many applications are sold in LAN (local area network) versions that allow a softwarepackage to be placed on a LAN for access by multiple users. Additionally, permission isgiven under special license agreement to make multiple copies for use throughout a largeorganization. However unless these rights are specifically granted, U.S. law prohibits auser from making duplicate copies of software except to ensure one working copy andone archival copy (NERDC Internet). Without authorization from the copyright owner, title 18 of U.S. Code prohibitsduplicating software for profit, making multiple c opies for use by different users withinan organization, downloading multiple copies from a network, or giving an unauthorizedcopy to another individual. All are illegal and a federal crime. Penalties include fines upto $250, 000 and jail terms up to five years (Title 18, Section 2320 and 2322). Microsoft states that illegal copying of personal computer software is a crucialdilemma both in the United States and over seas. Piracy is widely practiced and widelytolerated, in some countries, legal protection for software is non existent; in others lawsare unclear, or not enforced with sufficient commitment. Significant piracy losses aresuffered in virtually ever region of the world. In Some cases, like Indonesia, the rate ofunauthorized copies is believed to be in excess of ninety-nine percent ("What is..."Internet). Copyright laws vary widely from country to country, as do interpretations of thelaws and the degree to which they are enforced. The concept of protecting the intelle ctualproperty incorporated in software is not universally recognized. Asia is one of the most technologically advanced regions of the world. As thesoftware market continues to grow and flourish so does the black market of softwarepiracy ("The Impact..." Internet). The worst countries in this area are China and Russia.Named "one copy countries" two years in a row (1995 and 1996) by the SPA, studiesshow that ninety-five to ninety-eight percent, virtually every copy, of U.S. businesssoftware is illegally pirated, which costs U.S. software companies an estimated five-hundred million dollars a year ("SPA names..." Internet and "U.S., China..." D1 - 2). InRussia the latest statistics from the SPA show that ninety-five percent of businesssoftware is illegally copied, that cost the U.S. $117 million in 1994 ("SPA names..."Internet). Although Asia has extremely high piracy rates, SPA Executive Director KenWasch comments "China, Russia, and Thailand (the three countries in Asia with thehighest piracy rates) deserve credit for enacting copyright laws that specifically protectcomputer programs and other software..." Russia and China enacted copyright protectionstatutes several years ago, and Thailand enacted its law late in 1994 ("SPA names..."Internet). Asian countries have also taken action against offenders of copyright laws. TheSPA reports that "on Wednesday, May 22, 1996, Hong Kong Customs officers arrestedtwo suspected software pirate vendors and seized 20 CD-ROMs, each containingsoftware with an estimated total retail value of US$20,000 along with the equipmentcapable of reproducing the pirate CDs" ("Hong Kong..." Internet). A Software PublishersAssociation press release shows more examples of Asia's fight against software piracywhen Singapore police raided vans carrying 5,800 CD-ROMs containing $700,000 U.S.dollars worth of pirated software on March 25, 1996 ("SPA, Singapore..." Internet). TheBloomberg forum reports that on August 7, 1995 China a nti-piracy forces invaded storesin the southwestern city of Chengdu and arrested 37 people. The Business SoftwareAlliance's "vice president Stephanie Mitchell said while that was the largest number ofpeople so far arrested in a single raid on software retailers, China must dish out harderpunishments to discourage pirates after their caught" ("China takes..." Internet). A result of China's lack of strictness, the SPA called upon the USTR (U.S. TradeRepresentative) " take action against China under Section 306 of the Trade Act of1974 for failing to improve enforcement of intellectual property right in computersoftware." Also Russia and Korea were placed on the Special 301 Priority Watch List bythe USTR so that the SPA is able to review their intellectual property laws andenforcement ("China and Russia..." Internet). "The United States and China signed amajor accord in March of 1996 mandating tough enforcement against intellectualproperty piracy in China..."(Parker np). The BSA's European anti-piracy program is comprised of over 20 countriesthrough out the region and was initiated in 1989 "...with the filing of the softwareindustry's first enforcement action for the illegal use of software in Italy". Piracycontinues to be a significant problem in spite of the enactment of stronger copyright lawsand successful prosecutions against software theft. "The average piracy rates of 25European countries was estimated at 58 percent in 1994, with dollar losses exceeding $6billion" ("The Impact..." Internet). Microsoft's studies show that many European countries including some whichoffer computer software protection, have "unreasonably burdensome" administrativerules. Poland and the United Kingdom have displayed difficulty in collecting evidenceand Greece is blamed for "fragmentation of court process." Most European countries donot have sufficient penalties and inadequate civil enforcement possibilities to discouragepiracy, especially Germany, Poland, Sweden and the UK. "Several countries, forexample, Belarus and Romania, have general copyright laws that protect literaryexpression, but fail to clearly protect computer software" ("What is.." Internet). Irelandis Europe's worst offender with yearly losses of more then forty-four million dollars peryear due to the fact that eighty-three percent of software is pirated ("Software Piracy:Ireland..." Internet). The BSA "called for legislative reform and stricter observance of laws" afterreviewing a study examining Europe's software piracy rates. The BSA argues that"experience has shown that improved legal protection for software copyright, and betterpolicing by private companies and governments, can lead to a significant reduction in thenumber of illegal copies being made" ("Software Piracy: Ireland..." Internet). Latin America is the second fastest growing market for package software ("TheImpact..." Internet). SPA president Ken Wasch said, "The encouraging first quarters sales data (1995) confirms Brazil's status as a major market for U.S. software publishers. Witha rapidly growing and increasing sophisticated economy. The potential for U.S. softwarecompanies in Brazil is enormous" ("Latin America..." Internet). Gowning along with theincrease of sales and production is the threat of software theft "with the average piracyrate in 16 countries estimated at seventy-eight percent in 1994" ("The Impact..." Internet). The effect of international piracy organizations is a major problem that everyoneis aware of. Another element which is beginging to make its presence known is the small-time software pirates that distribute software on BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems) or overthe Internet. As with most topics dealing with the extremely new Internet undergroundand Internet crimes, it is very difficult to obtain information on these subjects. In order toacquire information about these underground Internet crimes, which are important tofully understand the conce pt of software piracy, most of the subject matter is supplied bymy own personal observations and investigations. Most small-time software piracy centers around bulletin board systems thatspecialize in "warez" (common underground term for pirated software). On thesesystems, pirates can contribute and share copies of commercial software. Having accessto these systems (usually obtained by contributing copyrighted programs via telephonemodem or money donations) allows the pirate to copy, or "download," copyrightedsoftware. All the participants benefit because individuals must "upload" (copy files fromtheir system to the BBS) copyrighted programs in order to download. This way newprograms are appearing continuously. My observation reveals how pirates have found ways to become more efficient bycreating mutual participation "pirate groups" (as referred to by the computerunderground). These groups are composed of ten to seventy members contributing indifferent ways. The members usua lly are anywhere from thirteen to thirty years of age.Some pirate groups are international, with members operating from different regions ofthe world. Their primary purpose is to obtain the latest software, remove any copy-protection from it and then distribute it to the pirate community. The methods the piratesuse to obtain the software is only known by the members of the pirate groups themselves.Some speculate that the members either "hack" (break into a computer via modem fromone's own system) into computers of software companies and steal the software or "payoff" employees of software companies. The software they receive is almost always lessthen one day old and is often referred to as a "zero day ware." "The Internet is an incredible international electronic information systemproviding millions with access to education, entertainment. and business resources, aswell as promoting new forms of personal communication, including e-mail and on-linechatting" (Larson Internet) . This also creates ideal piracy breeding grounds. Softwarepirates utilize the services of the Internet to "trade" copyrighted

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The software expect Chinese software - Business - Small Business

With the strength of the national software, the government authority to strengthen the inspection of the original software rectification work is also about the accomplished. According to the national copyright administration news, by May 31, the whole state of the state organs at the central completed on time and good quality, the original software rectification, including purchasing check the proportion of foreign software reached 62%, nearly two times of domestic software, and in procurement value, the amount of foreign software even accounted for more than 82% of the total amount of purchase.

Data shows that although in government procurement, the number of domestic software some improved, but compared with foreign software, the disadvantages are still the same. This can't help letting person generation doubt: in government procurement, why not so popular domestic software? What are they? Domestic software spring how far?

Government procurement preference for foreign software

By the end of last year the news had let the person seething, that is, the state council issued a "on further to complete the government agencies use original software notice" and "about the need to use original software special inspection and centralized purchasing the notice on the way. "Notice" points out, the government institutions at various levels should take the lead in using the original software. Soon the about the need to use original software special inspection and centralized purchasing the notice on the way, the requirement of the state organs at the central and local state organs respectively in 2011 before the end of may and before the end of October, the complete software the original special inspection and repair work.

The personage inside course of study points out, the original storm will probably gave birth to domestic software the new opportunity. But the results clearly a disappointing. According to the national copyright administration news, by May 31, 135 the state organs at the central home on time, quality and comprehensive completed the inspection of the original software rectification work, a total of 176763 sets of purchase genuine software (license), purchase amount is 140.91 million yuan, including purchasing domestic software 66511 sets, purchase amount of 24.88 million yuan, purchasing foreign software 110252 sets, purchase amount of 116.03 million yuan. Set up the software asset management system, and gradually form the original software long-acting mechanism.

Reporters calculated that in national office software original software procurement, the number of domestic software accounted for 38% of purchasing foreign software ratio is occupied 62%, is nearly two times of domestic software, and in procurement value, the amount of foreign software even accounted for more than 82% of the total amount of purchase, relatively speaking, domestic software procurement value of less than 18%. This obviously distance before the industry forecast the new opportunity is still some distance.

In government procurement, foreign software seems to continue to get the favour of the government procurement. According to information, government procurement software including the operating system, office software and antivirus software three categories. The personage inside course of study revealed that in government procurement office software and antivirus software, domestic software occupied into certain share, but in the operating system, Microsoft's share even account for more than 90%.

Why is the government procurement preference foreign software "is so foreign software the first impression of reason." Departments under the CPC central committee the relevant person in charge of purchasing center told reporters.

This view by many people get the approval. Jinshan software company marketing manager PengYaLi said, was Microsoft as foreign enterprises, such as in government procurement occupied larger market share, because it started in cultivating markets early, when people use has first impressions are most lasting. At the same time, from the 1990 s, learn university education network are based on examination of Microsoft's operating system and office software, and to a certain extent the use of training people habit.

And for one of the company's software in total, says that this with some foreign software on the counsel. Microsoft, for example, to open the Chinese market in the process of the existence of piracy, tacitly, with a large number of piracy foster market, and gradually achieve monopoly situation. "There are 80% of the users in the use of piracy, leaving the software Microsoft domestic space is very small."

But there are people who don't agree with this view. The Internet, the senior experts think buting foreign software in government procurement in occupy a large share, because the Chinese government department of information, network degree of relatively low. At the same time, the software of the government procurement, the main is general use of the software, and some of the fundamentals of domestic production, specificity strong software, is mostly not in government procurement range.

Domestic software problem

Although in government procurement in China software as foreign software, but share in actual process, the domestic software is not certain foreign software?

"Domestic and foreign software in use software on gaps, and, to some extent, the domestic software even more than the foreign software." Jinshan software company a old total says. He says that, although foreign software such as Microsoft office software in operating system and started really on the country than in early, and users in the habit has great advantage, but technically, domestic office software and abroad, while domestic gaps than software have their own advantages, such as price: the government procurement of Microsoft office software than jinshan W PS office software on a few times, and your jinshan W PS personal edition has all free, price is high. And he said, the domestic software has no foreign software localization of service and personalized service, and may, according to needs of different users need not special customized and service.

And in the software for people to say, from the function for domestic use, the software such as ever with Microsoft office in gaps, basic office demand can be satisfied.

Ever with the software before the close relationship and science and technology. In science and technology and founded in 2000, had been a domestic software industry, and with the best in ffice O software outspoken. With the government office software, and the opportunities of the original of the science and technology in government procurement projects, the frequently. Data shows, in 2004 the government procurement, and science and technology in the 21 provinces and cities, occupied the annual provincial government procurement in addition to the highest share of Microsoft. In 2005 the year of the prefecture government procurement and 40, in the number of more than 40%, and the entire cities in purchasing also more than Microsoft's share of the domestic first occupied. However, did not last long. As the government procurement projects, ever decreasing year by year in the science and technology business performance fell sharply. From 2005 in to $20.71 million down to 2009 i n the first three quarters of more th

an 200 yuan of the sales.

In the science and technology "and" time away, put away the public outcry enterprise's management difficult position and interests of its bankruptcy, and strife, and divisions, the reason is also the debate, it is thought that, for lack of competitiveness in science and technology, at the beginning of success is the result of the government to support, when there is no government support, the bankruptcy is inevitable. There are also people who believe that the government should not give financial on domestic software, and other aspects of the special support.

To this, Beijing lang new TianJi software technology Co., LTD JiangJianJun President, said this in surprise. Office of the operation mode and the problems: the product is depend on the government procurement, enterprise growth depends on the support of the government. Now under the market economy condition, the software enterprise real growth to pass the baptism of the market economy, after market customer choice and eliminated, and gradually improve growth. In addition, in the innovation also not enough. The personage inside course of study expresses, the country today that there are problems, most software innovation ability is insufficient, whether office software or operating system, been in the pursuit of "Chinese independent" thing, but what do actually have not been very successful.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Trademark Registration in Mexico - Frequent Asked Questions about Intellectual Property Rights - Law - International Law

In this Section You will find answers to questions about:

1- Trademarks2- License Agreements3- Patents4- Copyrights


1- If my trademark is already registered in my country do I still have to register it in Mexico if I want to protect my rights there?

Yes. Currently Mexico is not a member of the Madrid Protocol for trademarks.

2- Aproximately how long does it take to register a trademark in Mexico?

12 months

3- What type of trademarks can be registered?

You can register a word or group of words, slogans, symbols, logos & graphic designs, trade names, service marks, three dimensional goods that are distinctive of a trademark such as a perfume bottle or container, and combinations of all of them.

4- Why should I hire a Mexican Intellectual Property Lawyer to register my trademark in Mexico?

Protecting Your Trademarks and other intellectual property rights is not just about seeking registration.

You need to be prepared with the best legal tools to fight against piracy & infringement at any moment.

You could be entitled to every dime that the infringers have illegally pocketed, but without a Team of Lawyers specialized in Mexican Intellectual Property Law that have a deeper level of knowledge, You are in a weak position.

5- Why should I use Your services?

Unlike other online mexican trademark registration services we are an Intellectual Property Law Firm. We provide MORE than simply a registration service. We actually fight for your rights against pirates, infringers and Mexican counterfeit importers. We can help You protect any kind of intellectual property in Mexico.

We Go Further than the rest and offer you a full range of specialized legal services that include:

a- Legal Representation in Civil Lawsuits aimed at recovering financial loss caused by infringement & breach of license agreements.

b- Legally appeal to Government actions & resolutions that affect Your interests

c- Evaluate or formulate Your license agreements & technology transfer agreements. With Us You have access to a wide variety of specialized legal services in one place.

6- For how long is the trademark registration granted?

For a renewable period of 10 years.

7- How can I protect my trademark against importers of counterfeit goods?

Once your trademark has been granted registration by the Mexican Trademark Authority we can arrange official protection from the Mexican Customs Border Authority, in order to stop and prosecute infringers right at the Mexican border.

8- Why would I want to Register My Trademark with the Mexican Customs Border Authority also?

Three clear advantages of this service is that it gives You the option of CONTROLING unlicensed distributors entering the Mexican border; It also helps you STOP fake goods & counterfeit trademarks of your products entering the Mexican Market; and it will help prosecute infringers right at the border.


1- Why is it important to register my current or future license agreements?

To prosecute unlicensed distributors of your trademark, infringers of your trademarks and licensed partners that breach the agreement.

2- What kind of intellectual property agreements can i Register with the Mexican Authorities?

Trademark license agreements, copyright license agreements, patent license agreements, import-distribution license agreements and technology transfer agreements.

3- Do I First need to register my trademark in Mexico in order to create valid license agreements in Mexico?

Once we submit your registration You can start creating license agreements.

4- Can You help me if my business partners in Mexico breach the license agreements?

Yes. We can apply a variety of effective legal strategies.

5- Can You help me build a strong license agreement?

Yes. We can also evaluate your current license agreementsLearn more at


1- If I have a USPTO Patent do I also have to seek protection in Mexico?

If You filled Your utility patent application with the USPTO under the Patent Cooperation Treaty option, there is no need to apply for a patent in Mexico.

In case you did not filled for the PCT option, you will then have to apply for a Patent in Mexico if you want to protect & license your invention in this country.

2- What can I do if I start having legal problems with my Patents in Mexico?

If You discover that someone is infringing your Patents, Industrial Secrets, Utility Models or breaching Your License & Technology Transfer Agreements in Mexico we can legally prosecute and help You recover your financial loss.

3- I have the rights to a New Vegetable Variety or Plant Patent in my Country. Do I need to protect it in Mexico?

If You have previously obtained the rights to a vegetable variety in the United States or another country, You will also need to obtain the Vegetable Varieties Obtainer Title from the Mexican Government in order to protect your vegetable variety invention against infringement.

We can help You obtain Your Vegetable Variety Title in Mexico and evaluate or create a strong Technology Transfer Agreement.


1- What is considered a Copyright in Mexico?

Copyrights are defined under Mexican Law as "Authorship Rights" and can protect original works of authorship, computer software, movies, videos, music, songs, novels, artwork, poetry and original databases among other forms of authorship.

2- How can I protect my Copyrights in Mexico?

Most copyrights that are registered in the United States are also protected in Mexico. However, Copyright License Agreements that transfer exclusive or non exclusive rights must obtain registration in Mexico.

We can help you register your copyright license agreements and prosecute infringement.

For a complimentary initial consultation or if You have any questions You can contact us Today at

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Friday, December 27, 2013

Trademark Registration in Mexico - Frequent Asked Questions about Intellectual Property Rights - Law - International Law

In this Section You will find answers to questions about:

1- Trademarks2- License Agreements3- Patents4- Copyrights


1- If my trademark is already registered in my country do I still have to register it in Mexico if I want to protect my rights there?

Yes. Currently Mexico is not a member of the Madrid Protocol for trademarks.

2- Aproximately how long does it take to register a trademark in Mexico?

12 months

3- What type of trademarks can be registered?

You can register a word or group of words, slogans, symbols, logos & graphic designs, trade names, service marks, three dimensional goods that are distinctive of a trademark such as a perfume bottle or container, and combinations of all of them.

4- Why should I hire a Mexican Intellectual Property Lawyer to register my trademark in Mexico?

Protecting Your Trademarks and other intellectual property rights is not just about seeking registration.

You need to be prepared with the best legal tools to fight against piracy & infringement at any moment.

You could be entitled to every dime that the infringers have illegally pocketed, but without a Team of Lawyers specialized in Mexican Intellectual Property Law that have a deeper level of knowledge, You are in a weak position.

5- Why should I use Your services?

Unlike other online mexican trademark registration services we are an Intellectual Property Law Firm. We provide MORE than simply a registration service. We actually fight for your rights against pirates, infringers and Mexican counterfeit importers. We can help You protect any kind of intellectual property in Mexico.

We Go Further than the rest and offer you a full range of specialized legal services that include:

a- Legal Representation in Civil Lawsuits aimed at recovering financial loss caused by infringement & breach of license agreements.

b- Legally appeal to Government actions & resolutions that affect Your interests

c- Evaluate or formulate Your license agreements & technology transfer agreements. With Us You have access to a wide variety of specialized legal services in one place.

6- For how long is the trademark registration granted?

For a renewable period of 10 years.

7- How can I protect my trademark against importers of counterfeit goods?

Once your trademark has been granted registration by the Mexican Trademark Authority we can arrange official protection from the Mexican Customs Border Authority, in order to stop and prosecute infringers right at the Mexican border.

8- Why would I want to Register My Trademark with the Mexican Customs Border Authority also?

Three clear advantages of this service is that it gives You the option of CONTROLING unlicensed distributors entering the Mexican border; It also helps you STOP fake goods & counterfeit trademarks of your products entering the Mexican Market; and it will help prosecute infringers right at the border.


1- Why is it important to register my current or future license agreements?

To prosecute unlicensed distributors of your trademark, infringers of your trademarks and licensed partners that breach the agreement.

2- What kind of intellectual property agreements can i Register with the Mexican Authorities?

Trademark license agreements, copyright license agreements, patent license agreements, import-distribution license agreements and technology transfer agreements.

3- Do I First need to register my trademark in Mexico in order to create valid license agreements in Mexico?

Once we submit your registration You can start creating license agreements.

4- Can You help me if my business partners in Mexico breach the license agreements?

Yes. We can apply a variety of effective legal strategies.

5- Can You help me build a strong license agreement?

Yes. We can also evaluate your current license agreementsLearn more at


1- If I have a USPTO Patent do I also have to seek protection in Mexico?

If You filled Your utility patent application with the USPTO under the Patent Cooperation Treaty option, there is no need to apply for a patent in Mexico.

In case you did not filled for the PCT option, you will then have to apply for a Patent in Mexico if you want to protect & license your invention in this country.

2- What can I do if I start having legal problems with my Patents in Mexico?

If You discover that someone is infringing your Patents, Industrial Secrets, Utility Models or breaching Your License & Technology Transfer Agreements in Mexico we can legally prosecute and help You recover your financial loss.

3- I have the rights to a New Vegetable Variety or Plant Patent in my Country. Do I need to protect it in Mexico?

If You have previously obtained the rights to a vegetable variety in the United States or another country, You will also need to obtain the Vegetable Varieties Obtainer Title from the Mexican Government in order to protect your vegetable variety invention against infringement.

We can help You obtain Your Vegetable Variety Title in Mexico and evaluate or create a strong Technology Transfer Agreement.


1- What is considered a Copyright in Mexico?

Copyrights are defined under Mexican Law as "Authorship Rights" and can protect original works of authorship, computer software, movies, videos, music, songs, novels, artwork, poetry and original databases among other forms of authorship.

2- How can I protect my Copyrights in Mexico?

Most copyrights that are registered in the United States are also protected in Mexico. However, Copyright License Agreements that transfer exclusive or non exclusive rights must obtain registration in Mexico.

We can help you register your copyright license agreements and prosecute infringement.

For a complimentary initial consultation or if You have any questions You can contact us Today at

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Importance Of Viral Marketing In Web Development - Marketing - Viral Marketing

In Today's online world everyone are familiar with viral marketing, if not it is very much essential to include this in the your marketing strategy. This technique of viral marketing was not known to people even a decade before, but today with out this technique not a single web marketer can survive in the online business. This strategy helps the marketers to spread the message about the product or service far and wide.Through this the message can be spread out wide much like a virus. This unique strategy includes the power of social networks on the Internet. It is extremely valuable for a business and the web development (webutvikling) company.

By using some effective methods of viral marketing strategy you can promote your company, the services you offer, and your unique potentials to a global audience. It is more preferable that you obtain some knowledge about the system, and then use those ideas on your current marketing strategies. But to make it really effective, a web development (webutvikling) company must mould its marketing strategy in such a way so that it turns viral and spreads out wide.

Here are some strategies that online marketers can use,

This viral marketing strategy can do wonders for you if your company offers services that are unique and if you want to draw everybody's attention towards them. One best and popular way of doing this is by offering a freeware. People in today's world are much drawn to things that come for free. You can provide graphics, templates, banners, or an e-book etc for free to capture their attention to your company. You can place all your free products in your website, and also allow he visitors to share your templates, banners or graphics for free. But it is very important that you include the name of your company on the product so that the credit comes to you. Also make sure that you place a back link to your website on the copyright notice. Place a request to sustain the copyright notice as it is.

People are drawn towars informative content and they value informative content like anything that informs them about the latest inventions or recent events. So you can write articles and press releases and publish them on your website to inform people about these developments. Give your visitors the reprint rights. But, see to that they must acknowledge your work.

Make your R&D your strong and valid point. If you write and publish something unique and innovative that would be useful, you can be sure that people will be interested. Many of them will be interested in the latest news ans will keep coming back for the latest. Make this sharable, and they will spread to the word.

You can explore the human mind's inquisitiveness and publish the required. Through this your viral marketing strategy should be such that it propagates your services.

You can also create a forum or a discussion board like facebook where facebook app developer (Facebook applikasjoner) does it. Let them become a part, where your users are allowed to share their thoughts and opinions. The forum or board can be very much effective.

Using the few above listed viral marketing strategies, you can promote your business quickly and effectively. Your web development company can surely gain from this.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Why You Ought To Not Download Movies Illegally - Entertainment - Movies

Eight out of ten Americans think it stealing to walk out of a store with a DVD that they did not pay for. Just half as many people think downloading a movie from the Internet is a crime. The fact is that there is truly no difference at all between the two; these are both serious crimes that are punishable by law.

When you download a movie from a P2P file sharing program, you do not have the permission of the individual or corporation who owns the rights to that movie.

This is the same thing as going to the DVD movie store and putting a DVD in your bag and walking out the door without paying. Peer-to-peer networks like BearShare, Kazaa , Vuze (aka Bittorrent) and LimeWire do not have the permission of the rightful owner to give out copyrighted movie download files over the Internet, unlike legal sites..Why Is File Sharing Of Movie Downloads Illegal?

The main objective of copyrighting materials and DVD films is for the protection of the rights of the individual or corporation initially responsible for the creation of the material (in our case movies).

Those who own the rights to protected material have the exclusive right to alter, duplicate or distribute their product.

Copyright laws work to prevent the sale or use of the protected material by unauthorized means.

Imagine working day in and day out on an amazing research article for years, merely to have it posted online for everybody to download free.

This is how artists and entertainers feel if their intellectual property is passed out for free all over the Internet, offering them no compensation for it.

Now, you are starting to see what is driving so many in the direction of legal action for movie downloads.

How To Tell What Is Real?

It may be a problem to tell if the site that you are visiting is legal or not. If the site that you are on is not a trusted site where you are sure that you are downloading completely licensed films every time, then do not download a single movie.

Here are some pointers on how to differentiate illegal movie download sites:

1.If the website claims to have "millions of movies to download" , "80 million movies online", "movies,Tv shows and music downloads" etc.. all for a small one time fee then you may almost be certain the web site will sell you P2P software.

2.Try looking at the small print in bottom part of the website's main page. normally for illegal P2P movie download sites you will find some form of warning that looks like this: (most of these sites use the very same warning):

"There are currently millions of users downloading and trading files legally on file-sharing networks. You can|, for example, legally download music from more than 850 bands and over 20,000 live concerts but also have access to many software titles and games. File sharing has enabled music fans from all over the world to create the largest library of recorded music in history.

File sharing is not illegal as long as you obey and comply with all relevant copyright regulations. Sharing copyrighted material without the permission to do so is illegal. You will find detailed instructions on how to stay legal within the member's area. The buying of a membership, however, is not a license to upload or download copyrighted material. We urge you to respect copyright and share responsibly."

Here is another well-liked text you may find on these sites

"This web site has no affiliation whatsoever with the owner of this software program and merely provides links to freeware and/or shareware software, technical support and tutorials."

3. Try searching for a genuine trust seal on the web site's registration pages.

4.A number of record firms, movie studios and individual artists post knowledge on their official web site to let you know if they allow their copyrighted material to get distributed online.Be sure to check those specific sites before you download their material from any third party or share it with others.

Concerning Copyright of Movies.

Copyrights are only valid for fifty to one hundred twenty years. As soon as a copyright expires, the material that one once protected becomes open to the public. Material that is available in public domain can legally be copied, distributed and downloaded by anyone, anywhere, anytime. The majority of recent works are most likely protected presently under copyright regulations.

Where Can I Go If I Still Want To Download?

Everyone on Earth wants some kind of entertainment from time to time, and for most of us it is music, video games, TV shows, movies, PC apps, etc. With the threat of legal action hanging over your head with every movie you download, where may you go to be certain that the material you are listening to, watching, playing and downloading is legal?

The truth is that you have several options, if you are still eager to build your collection by downloading movies from the Net.

You can search the Internet for sites that provide updated lists of websites, where you can legally download, watch or burn to CD the files that you would like for a negligible fee. Enjoy full-length movies without any commercials or spyware to worry you.

Several television networks offer full episodes of their programmes with commercial interruption from their official site. Networks such as NBC, ABC and CBS typically offer new episodes of their programmes the following morning after they are transmitted on air in their ordinary time slot (most of the time these are geo limited to the United States only).

MySpace and Fox are working together to bring you Fox on Demand, permitting you to watch the most recent episodes of your favorite Fox programmes online for free.

You can find full-length movies with expired copyrights and available to the public at Entertainment Magazine Online.

If music is your thing, you can create a radio station of your own that only plays the genres and songs that you choose with limited commercial interruption for a limited time every month for free at Pandora Radio. You can make playlists and listen to your favourites at FineTune.

With so many choices at your disposal, there is no necessity to go astray and risk significant fines or jail time by downloading movies files illegally.

The Serious Risks Of Sharing Movie Files

The holders of copyrights have ways of finding out which movie download files are being shared by your computer.

All they have to do is contact the authorities and send them your way because the law is in favour of the copyright holder. The RIAA sent letters to almost four hundred college students in 2007 related to illegal file sharing.

The students, not their schools, were each held accountable for paying the restitution required to resolve the claims against them for copyright infringement. In as little as six months, the RIAA had brought claims against over two thousand college students. These students were required to pay an average of $3,000 each, not including court costs and attorney fees.

The RIAA is not only targeting university students, this is just one example. It does not matter who you are, how old you are or where you live, if you download or share files on the Net illegally you will beheld accountable.

Even if you are a minor, do not think you will get away with it; they will come after your parents if they cannot get to you.

The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) is also setting out to prosecute violators too. So, it is not worth the danger you take with any other course of action.

Do not be mistaken in thinking that legal action is the only risk to downloading files illegally from the Net.

You might be one of the number who does not worry about being caught, but do not consider that hackers might get into your system and download your personal and confidential data and use it for a horde of malicious things.

P2P file sharing programs operate by letting the users connect to one another's hard drives to copy files. Any files that you have in shared folders is available to anyone who wants to steal or copy them.

Many programs do not even use specialized folders for sharing, instead they simply provide users access to each other's "Documents" folder.This means that all of your Word documents, photos, banking software, and more could be at risk. You should know that on average one out of three computer attacks are the result of using P2P networks.

Peer-to-peer networks are one of the easiest ways for hackers to spread their spyware and viruses all over the Internet. All they have to do is make a file that contains a virus, but give it a name that is the same as a well-liked song or movie title. The P2P user downloads the file to his or her computer expecting to see the latest blockbuster, but instead all they get is a seriously infected computer.

Horror stories of what may happen to your computer if you use P2P file sharing programs are in abundance.

What You Should Do In order to avoid the significant consequences of downloading movies from the Net:

It is suggested that if you are using any P2P clients, you disable them immediately and remove their software from your computer.

Several guides are obtainable with directions on disabling a peer-to-peer file sharing client and taking it off your machine. Simply type, "disable P2P" into your favourite search engine to find all the info you require.

The best manner to avoid the consequences of illegal movie downloads is to sign up to a legal movie download website. These website only charge a negligible one time fee, instead of the "per download" cost that you pay from other legal websites.Legal sites with movie downloads are becoming more and more popular as people are becoming worried about lawsuits, identity theft and computer damage.

These site offer faster movie download speeds than you will get on any of the illegal P2P networks because they are coming from their own server and are not restricted to the amount of people sharing the file ,the movie being downloaded is not shared in the first place.

In addition, the quality of the movies downloaded tends to be a lot better because you have access to the full-length, licensed version, as opposed to something that was recorded by someone who smuggled a camera into the cinema.

The films that you get from legal sites you are able to watch immediately as they stream on your computer. You can| download them to your hard drive if you want to watch them later, or you can burn them to CD or DVD if you want to put on an external player.

It is strongly recommended that you use legal download sites to download movies from the Internet.The subscription costs are cheap and the site is easy to use. Most importantly you are able to enjoy movies in peace without having to constantly look over your shoulder to make sure the MPAA, RIAA, FBI or a swam of hackers are not coming for you.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Arguments Regarding Illegal Music Downloads - Entertainment

In the UK in Feb 2011 a court case investigated the claims by two intellectual property solicitor firms, ACS:Law and MediaCat that 24 people had been illegally downloading movies and music. The individuals had been identified by their IP addresses and sent letters by the aforementioned companies claiming that they were to be pursed for illegal downloads.

Judge Birss questioned the fact that just because an IP address had been identified did it give grounds to accuse anyone related to the IP address? There are various reasons for this, one being, who said the person that owned the computer with the IP address was the one that was actually downloading copyright material?

There could have been an unsecured network so someone else could have been using the connection, I've seen people hanging out of their bedroom windows accessing other people's wireless connections myself and what is to say someone did not pull up in their car and access another person's unsecured network.

If you allow someone to borrow your internet connection and they use P2P software then download copyright material then you are not to blame for their act or are you?

Since the court case the two companies have ceased trading and investigations are taking place as to whether the accused should take action against the firms. It seems to be an increasing grey area and in order to try and create clarity the Digital Economy act which has a three strikes rule and which means that you will be contacted with warning letters or emails to say that their internet account has been found infringing copyright thought they do not enforce liability, it is a prevention and reduction measure.

This court case has highlighted how firms such as ACS:Law have chased web users with letters telling them to compensate their clients for copyright infringement when the accused have no clue as to the illegal file sharing that has been taking place.

If you want to download movies legally then there are sites which can help you do this. You pay a fee for a legal movie download or music and it does not infringe copyright. There are also places on the web where artists are happy to promote their music for free and therefore allow you to download their track or tracks for free and again this type of download is not illegal as you have the artist's permission to do this.

Peer to Peer (P2P) download software in itself is not illegal but the way you use it can be deemed illegal. For example some P2P sites charge a subscription fee and you can then access another member's hard drive and access their movies and download them to your PC. That is deemed illegal.

This would only be legal if the movie produced is one which is available for free legal download and part of the marketing strategy is to plug the movie on the internet for all to see for free.

The question of whether it is legal or not to download music or movies puts the web user in a difficult position if they are not thoroughly clear on how it all works.

Even if you understand copyright and recognise the copyright symbols, if the symbol or text is missing who is to say that someone has not removed it so that you believe it is free. There are a lot of illegal sites on the web that want you to infringe copyright and pretend to be legal so that you come back to their site for more.

Many people are interested in downloading free movies and music for free because it is so expensive to pay for them. They are prepared to do this illegally and infringe copyright. If that is the case then they are liable to be prosecuted. In the UK, the three strikes rule applies, where you will be warned that they know you are infringing copyright and then you have to sort out whether it was you who performed an illegal download or not.

In the USA, apart from prosecuting individuals who download illegal material, they are going for the websites which they believe are infringing copyright. The COICA (Combating online Infringement and Counterfeits Act) bill was approved in November 2010 and this means that the American Government will have the power to make websites disappear if they are believed to be promoting illegal downloads.

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Copyright Law Update: Recent Design Ruling Favors Trump Buildings - Law

On May 14, 2008, a federal appellate court issued an important decision in Oravec v. Sunny Isles Luxury Ventures, L.C., concerning copyright protection of architectural works. This ruling underscores the importance of correctly registering works under both forms of copyright protection available to architects, one for "pictorial, graphical, or sculptural work" and another for "architectural works."

In 1995, Plaintiff Paul Oravec developed a high-rise building design. After registering it with the U.S. Copyright Office, Oravec then marketed his design to developers in South Florida. During the same time period, the Dezer defendants began developing the Trump Palace and the Trump Royale (collectively, "Trump Buildings"), twin high-rise beachfront condominiums in Florida. In February, 2003, Oravec saw a newspaper advertisement featuring a photograph of the Trump Palace model. The following day, he visited the resort's sales office and viewed models and brochures depicting the Trump Buildings. At the time, neither building had been constructed; only the foundation of the Trump Palace had been laid. Believing the designs resembled his own, Oravec secured additional copyright registrations in March of 2004 for his unregistered designs. Important, Oravec deleted his claim for an "architectural work" copyright and only obtained a "pictorial, graphical, or sculptural work" co pyright. This oversight later proved to be costly.

In November, 2004, Oravec sued several parties associated with the Trump Buildings for copyright infringement. Oravec contended that design elements were present in both his design and the Trump Buildings. The district court determined that Oravec could not establish infringement of copyrights because no reasonable jury could find that the Trump Buildings were substantially similar to his designs. Oravec appealed.

On May 14, 2008, the appellate court affirmed that ruling. First, the court carefully compared the distinctive features of Oravec's designs with the Trump Buildings and concluded that numerous and significant differences existed in the expression of these elements. To find for Oravec, observed the court, "would require a finding that Oravec owns a copyright in the concept of a convex/concave formula or in that of using three external elevator towers that extend above the roof of a building." Such a finding would "effectively bar all other architects from incorporating these concepts into new and original designs" and lead to "a diminished store of ideas" available for future works, and thus would be contrary to the fundamental purposes of copyright law.

The appellate court also affirmed the ruling on the March 2004 Copyright. Oravec registered his March 2004 designs as "pictorial, graphical, or sculptural works" rather than as "architectural works." Oravec could not establish infringement of these works because, unlike an "architectural work" copyright, a "pictorial, graphical, or sculptural work" copyright does not protect against the construction of a building based on copyrighted architectural plans; it only prohibits copying of the plans themselves. In effect, because Oravec failed to properly register his design as an "architectural work", he could not seek damages for the construction of the Trump Buildings.

Source: Oravec v. Sunny Isles Luxury Ventures, L.C., Case No. 06-14495 (11th Cir., May 14, 2008).


Andres Quintana, Esq. is the principal attorney at the Quintana Law Group, APC, an intellectual property law firm in Los Angeles County, California. He may be reached at or (818) 914-2100. For more information about the Quintana Law Group, APC, please visit

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Trademark Registration in Mexico - Frequent Asked Questions about Intellectual Property Rights - Law - International Law

In this Section You will find answers to questions about:

1- Trademarks2- License Agreements3- Patents4- Copyrights


1- If my trademark is already registered in my country do I still have to register it in Mexico if I want to protect my rights there?

Yes. Currently Mexico is not a member of the Madrid Protocol for trademarks.

2- Aproximately how long does it take to register a trademark in Mexico?

12 months

3- What type of trademarks can be registered?

You can register a word or group of words, slogans, symbols, logos & graphic designs, trade names, service marks, three dimensional goods that are distinctive of a trademark such as a perfume bottle or container, and combinations of all of them.

4- Why should I hire a Mexican Intellectual Property Lawyer to register my trademark in Mexico?

Protecting Your Trademarks and other intellectual property rights is not just about seeking registration.

You need to be prepared with the best legal tools to fight against piracy & infringement at any moment.

You could be entitled to every dime that the infringers have illegally pocketed, but without a Team of Lawyers specialized in Mexican Intellectual Property Law that have a deeper level of knowledge, You are in a weak position.

5- Why should I use Your services?

Unlike other online mexican trademark registration services we are an Intellectual Property Law Firm. We provide MORE than simply a registration service. We actually fight for your rights against pirates, infringers and Mexican counterfeit importers. We can help You protect any kind of intellectual property in Mexico.

We Go Further than the rest and offer you a full range of specialized legal services that include:

a- Legal Representation in Civil Lawsuits aimed at recovering financial loss caused by infringement & breach of license agreements.

b- Legally appeal to Government actions & resolutions that affect Your interests

c- Evaluate or formulate Your license agreements & technology transfer agreements. With Us You have access to a wide variety of specialized legal services in one place.

6- For how long is the trademark registration granted?

For a renewable period of 10 years.

7- How can I protect my trademark against importers of counterfeit goods?

Once your trademark has been granted registration by the Mexican Trademark Authority we can arrange official protection from the Mexican Customs Border Authority, in order to stop and prosecute infringers right at the Mexican border.

8- Why would I want to Register My Trademark with the Mexican Customs Border Authority also?

Three clear advantages of this service is that it gives You the option of CONTROLING unlicensed distributors entering the Mexican border; It also helps you STOP fake goods & counterfeit trademarks of your products entering the Mexican Market; and it will help prosecute infringers right at the border.


1- Why is it important to register my current or future license agreements?

To prosecute unlicensed distributors of your trademark, infringers of your trademarks and licensed partners that breach the agreement.

2- What kind of intellectual property agreements can i Register with the Mexican Authorities?

Trademark license agreements, copyright license agreements, patent license agreements, import-distribution license agreements and technology transfer agreements.

3- Do I First need to register my trademark in Mexico in order to create valid license agreements in Mexico?

Once we submit your registration You can start creating license agreements.

4- Can You help me if my business partners in Mexico breach the license agreements?

Yes. We can apply a variety of effective legal strategies.

5- Can You help me build a strong license agreement?

Yes. We can also evaluate your current license agreementsLearn more at


1- If I have a USPTO Patent do I also have to seek protection in Mexico?

If You filled Your utility patent application with the USPTO under the Patent Cooperation Treaty option, there is no need to apply for a patent in Mexico.

In case you did not filled for the PCT option, you will then have to apply for a Patent in Mexico if you want to protect & license your invention in this country.

2- What can I do if I start having legal problems with my Patents in Mexico?

If You discover that someone is infringing your Patents, Industrial Secrets, Utility Models or breaching Your License & Technology Transfer Agreements in Mexico we can legally prosecute and help You recover your financial loss.

3- I have the rights to a New Vegetable Variety or Plant Patent in my Country. Do I need to protect it in Mexico?

If You have previously obtained the rights to a vegetable variety in the United States or another country, You will also need to obtain the Vegetable Varieties Obtainer Title from the Mexican Government in order to protect your vegetable variety invention against infringement.

We can help You obtain Your Vegetable Variety Title in Mexico and evaluate or create a strong Technology Transfer Agreement.


1- What is considered a Copyright in Mexico?

Copyrights are defined under Mexican Law as "Authorship Rights" and can protect original works of authorship, computer software, movies, videos, music, songs, novels, artwork, poetry and original databases among other forms of authorship.

2- How can I protect my Copyrights in Mexico?

Most copyrights that are registered in the United States are also protected in Mexico. However, Copyright License Agreements that transfer exclusive or non exclusive rights must obtain registration in Mexico.

We can help you register your copyright license agreements and prosecute infringement.

For a complimentary initial consultation or if You have any questions You can contact us Today at

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

An Introduction to Intellectual Property Law - Law - Intellectual Property

What is Intellectual Property Law? Often referred to as IP Law, intellectual property law refers to the ownership of creations, for example ownership of music, artwork, literature, inventions, designs and ideas. These works are the intellectual property of the creator, meaning they own their creation.

Why is this important? It is important because if IP Law didn't exist they could be used by others, possibly to make money from someone else's work. It could have financial value so it is only right that the creator is the owner. This means they have to give permission for someone else to use their idea or creation, and are entitled to a percentage of any profit made. Intellectual property law ensures that an idea or creation is protected where necessary.

Businesses and Brands

Amongst the things that come under Intellectual Property Law is a brand or business idea. Simply thinking of an idea means you own that idea, and if someone else steals it they are breaking the law and are likely to have to compensate the creator. That said, it must be proved this has been stolen. The lines can be blurred but, essentially, if you come up with an idea someone else can't use it without your permission. Company logos and branding is also under the ownership of the creator, much like artwork.


If the lyrics, notes or chords of music are written down or recorded then it is officially the copyright of the creator, so they own the rights to it. It can then only be used by others with their permission. This is true whether someone else records it or it is played on the radio, for example. When it is played on the radio the radio station must pay a fee to the copyright owner. If someone else records it a percentage of the sale must go to the copyright owner. This is even the case if someone performs it live and earns money from this.


When someone creates a piece of art, whether it is a drawing, painting, sculpture or photograph, then they are the intellectual property owner. It can therefore not be copied (whether redone or another copy made) without the permission of the creator. Payments must also be made where money is made from this. Museum shops often sell posters or postcards of the artwork on display in their museum. Some of the money made from this, though, must go to the copyright owners.


When someone writes a novel or a poem it is their intellectual property. Again, there must be permission and payment where someone publishes this. Usually publishing rights are sold to one publisher. They will then be able to sell it, whereas other cannot. Copyright does run out seventy years after the creator's death though. Charles Dickens novels, for example, can now be published by anyone and sold without permission or payments given to his estate.

Intellectual property law covers many areas. The above are just some of the most obvious examples. Essentially, any ideas or creations are the intellectual property of the creator and they own the copyright to their work.

Andrew Marshall

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Friday, December 20, 2013

Float Tube Fishing - The Ultimate BC Fly Fishing Experience - Computers

Personally, there is nothing like relaxing in my float tube catching rainbow trout on my favorite BC fly fishing lake. It's better than my easy chair in my living room. Yes, belly boating became a mainstay of my fly fishing vacation or trips back in the late 1990's when I traded my truck in for a mini-van.

Belly boating or float tubing is a whole new experience. The best thing is how relaxing it can be especially when you have the opportunity to anchor or drift. If you are lucky (and most lakes in the Kamloops area are like this) you will get to witness eagles, ospreys and waterfowl at a closer range because they are less bothered by your intrusion. Wildlife like bear, deer, moose or coyotes often come to waters edge to relieve their thirst.

There are lots of lakes throughout BC that are accommodating to float tube fishing. To make the experience as enjoyable as possible there are a few considerations to review such as access. Access to the lake and on to the lake are probably most important factors when choosing your fishing body of water.

Here are some important factors when considering your belly boating fishing trip. It pays to be prepared when looking for float tube fishing locations. Please make sure to check the BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations before you head out to any lake, stream or river.

1. Prospects - I first decide whether I want lots of fish or big fish. The two are occasionally synonomous however I have learned not to stretch my expectations. I'd rather be surprised.

Personally, I've caught lots of fish, so I relish in the prospects of catching big fish, even if it means going to catch and release only lakes. The Kamloops Area and Roche Lake Area in BC have many lakes that have limited bag limits (including catch and release only). Usually these lakes have trophy sized fish and are harder to catch. However, for the fisherman who likes to eat their catch, there are also many opportunities to catch many fish with some reasonable sized fish.

2. Access to the lake body - we are looking for a smooth, tapering launch. No sense in slogging through mud, rocks and sticks that result in getting stuck in the mud with your fins or damaging your waders or tube. Another consideration is access to the shore from different parts of the lake. Looking after 'personal business' requires getting to a landing quickly and peeling down the waders. When the water is cold, this event can spring up on you quickly.

3. Access to prime locations on the lake - the smaller the lake the better. Float tubes are not known for their speed (pontoon boats are quicker) so you want to get to the prime fishing spots (shoals, drop-offs, weed beds) as soon as possible.

4. Suscepibility to wind - Wind is the single most annoying factor while float tubing fishing. You don't have the advantage of sitting high in a boat and casting distances can be considerably shorter. It is important to me to be able to find some shelter from whatever direction the wind is blowing. Look for odd shaped lakes with sheltered bays. Waves created by wind can also be a challenge when trying to return to your vehicle, so keep this in mind when wandering a long way from your launch site.

5. Vehicle Access to the Lake - paved, gravel or 4x4. The nice thing about a float tube is that it can be easily deflated enough to fit in a car, car trunk or other two-wheel drive vehicle. Many of the lakes in the Interior are quite accessible by 2 wheel drive vehicles. On the other hand, there are no shortage of 4x4 or hike in lakes that are willing to reward the adventurous.

Visit here for a list of some of my favorite float tube fishing lakes in BC.

Enjoy the relaxation, tight lines and enjoy your BC fly fishing vacation whatever lake you are at.

BFSH Internet Marketing - Copyright 2007 - all rights reserved

Dave Ouellette learned most of his fly fishing information when he was an Engineering Tech for Ducks Unlimited Canada for 11 years in Kamloops and Williams Lake BC. While constructing over 200 wetland segement in the Southern Interior of BC, Dave managed to fish almost as many lakes and streams in his travels and has been able to brush shoulders with some of the most experienced trout fisherman in the province. As an avid fly fisherman, Dave spends most of his ice free seasons devoting intense research and development days to the rainbow trout lakes in the southern interior of British Columbia.Today he owns and manages a couple of websites and blogs including the interior fly fishing vacation site at

BFSH Internet Marketing - Copyright 2007 - all rights reserved

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Entertainment Industry and Intellectual Property Protection in India - Law - Intellectual Property

Entertainment is one of the most happening Industries in India. Though the industry and services offered is not perceived the same way; as services offered by a business entity or organizations in a stream of business; the size of the industry has significant impact in terms of the mass reach, jobs created, economy and technology absorption. Getting to the details of forms of Entertainment and shows; the most common mediums are: Movies TV Serials Reality Shows Radio Drama Shows Live Performances (Music and Dance) Sporting Events

Each of the above programs or shows is a result of the Script or Story writers, directors, Music Composers, Artists Choreographers & Technicians and Organizers. The kind of work that goes into creation of such a work will be in terms of the Story, Creativity, Music, Dialogue, Art works and technologies. The works are a result of Intellectual learning and applications. Hence there is a need to protect the Intellectual Property to retain the rights over the work; since copying of the work is very easy in case of cinematic works & publications.

The forms of protecting such Intellectual Property can be by means of Copyright protection for the works and Legal Agreements between the parties in interaction & transaction. The model and mechanism of the Entertainment shows and mediums itself necessitates strong legal agreements; since the realization of the revenue in most cases is only after the completion of the work.

The body for Copyright protection is the Copyright Office under the HRD Ministry. The Copyright works are governed by The Copyright Act, 1957 and This Act has been amended five times since then, i.e., in 1983, 1984, 1992, 1994 and 1999, with the amendment of 1994 being the most substantial. (Source: Copyright office website)

In India steps towards Copyright protection has significantly improved and campaigns against piracy have appreciated the industry to take legal measures and avoid piracy. With the industry size anticipated to grow from the present INR 652 Billion in 2010 to INR 1275 billion by 2015 (Source: FICCI Press Release); steps will be taken to strengthen the IP protection and reduce reproduction of the works.

In India, production houses, artists, musicians, script developers are adopting copyright protection and agreement forms to protect their works. In addition to this since India is a land of multiple languages, investors are looking at protection of the works in multiple languages in case of remakes and story adoptions.

Copyright - Brain League IP Services 2011; All Rights Reserved

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Trademark Registration in Mexico - Frequent Asked Questions about Intellectual Property Rights - Law - International Law

In this Section You will find answers to questions about:

1- Trademarks2- License Agreements3- Patents4- Copyrights


1- If my trademark is already registered in my country do I still have to register it in Mexico if I want to protect my rights there?

Yes. Currently Mexico is not a member of the Madrid Protocol for trademarks.

2- Aproximately how long does it take to register a trademark in Mexico?

12 months

3- What type of trademarks can be registered?

You can register a word or group of words, slogans, symbols, logos & graphic designs, trade names, service marks, three dimensional goods that are distinctive of a trademark such as a perfume bottle or container, and combinations of all of them.

4- Why should I hire a Mexican Intellectual Property Lawyer to register my trademark in Mexico?

Protecting Your Trademarks and other intellectual property rights is not just about seeking registration.

You need to be prepared with the best legal tools to fight against piracy & infringement at any moment.

You could be entitled to every dime that the infringers have illegally pocketed, but without a Team of Lawyers specialized in Mexican Intellectual Property Law that have a deeper level of knowledge, You are in a weak position.

5- Why should I use Your services?

Unlike other online mexican trademark registration services we are an Intellectual Property Law Firm. We provide MORE than simply a registration service. We actually fight for your rights against pirates, infringers and Mexican counterfeit importers. We can help You protect any kind of intellectual property in Mexico.

We Go Further than the rest and offer you a full range of specialized legal services that include:

a- Legal Representation in Civil Lawsuits aimed at recovering financial loss caused by infringement & breach of license agreements.

b- Legally appeal to Government actions & resolutions that affect Your interests

c- Evaluate or formulate Your license agreements & technology transfer agreements. With Us You have access to a wide variety of specialized legal services in one place.

6- For how long is the trademark registration granted?

For a renewable period of 10 years.

7- How can I protect my trademark against importers of counterfeit goods?

Once your trademark has been granted registration by the Mexican Trademark Authority we can arrange official protection from the Mexican Customs Border Authority, in order to stop and prosecute infringers right at the Mexican border.

8- Why would I want to Register My Trademark with the Mexican Customs Border Authority also?

Three clear advantages of this service is that it gives You the option of CONTROLING unlicensed distributors entering the Mexican border; It also helps you STOP fake goods & counterfeit trademarks of your products entering the Mexican Market; and it will help prosecute infringers right at the border.


1- Why is it important to register my current or future license agreements?

To prosecute unlicensed distributors of your trademark, infringers of your trademarks and licensed partners that breach the agreement.

2- What kind of intellectual property agreements can i Register with the Mexican Authorities?

Trademark license agreements, copyright license agreements, patent license agreements, import-distribution license agreements and technology transfer agreements.

3- Do I First need to register my trademark in Mexico in order to create valid license agreements in Mexico?

Once we submit your registration You can start creating license agreements.

4- Can You help me if my business partners in Mexico breach the license agreements?

Yes. We can apply a variety of effective legal strategies.

5- Can You help me build a strong license agreement?

Yes. We can also evaluate your current license agreementsLearn more at


1- If I have a USPTO Patent do I also have to seek protection in Mexico?

If You filled Your utility patent application with the USPTO under the Patent Cooperation Treaty option, there is no need to apply for a patent in Mexico.

In case you did not filled for the PCT option, you will then have to apply for a Patent in Mexico if you want to protect & license your invention in this country.

2- What can I do if I start having legal problems with my Patents in Mexico?

If You discover that someone is infringing your Patents, Industrial Secrets, Utility Models or breaching Your License & Technology Transfer Agreements in Mexico we can legally prosecute and help You recover your financial loss.

3- I have the rights to a New Vegetable Variety or Plant Patent in my Country. Do I need to protect it in Mexico?

If You have previously obtained the rights to a vegetable variety in the United States or another country, You will also need to obtain the Vegetable Varieties Obtainer Title from the Mexican Government in order to protect your vegetable variety invention against infringement.

We can help You obtain Your Vegetable Variety Title in Mexico and evaluate or create a strong Technology Transfer Agreement.


1- What is considered a Copyright in Mexico?

Copyrights are defined under Mexican Law as "Authorship Rights" and can protect original works of authorship, computer software, movies, videos, music, songs, novels, artwork, poetry and original databases among other forms of authorship.

2- How can I protect my Copyrights in Mexico?

Most copyrights that are registered in the United States are also protected in Mexico. However, Copyright License Agreements that transfer exclusive or non exclusive rights must obtain registration in Mexico.

We can help you register your copyright license agreements and prosecute infringement.

For a complimentary initial consultation or if You have any questions You can contact us Today at

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Intellectual Property Law - Copyrights and Trademarks - Law

Many businesses are constantly creating original intellectual property, this can be in the form of anything from articles, web pages to videos. As you are putting considerable time and resources into producing your original material it is understandable that you would also want to protect it. This is where copyright law comes into play.

Copyright will keep all of your original work protected from being used without your permission. If you discover that someone has breached your copyright and gone on to use your work without asking you first, you will have the right to take legal action against them to seek financial compensation.

If your work has a copyright you will be able to license it out and reproduce it in anyway you like. This means that you can receive an income from your copyrighted material.

In the UK you do not have to register to get a copyright. Copyright is created automatically as soon as an original work is made. A work has to be original to be granted a copyright, which means it must be significantly different to any other existing work. This is a qualitative evaluation as opposed to a quantitative measurement. To ensure that people are made aware that a work is protected by copyright you might want to consider adding a '' mark to any original material that you create along with the name of the person that made it and the date of which it was made.

Some industries such as the music industry are protected by copyright collection societies. These societies will often deal with licensing of copyrighted material on behalf of the copyright owner.

If you decide to licence out of your copyrighted material, you need to make sure that you have written up a firm copyright licensing agreement. This should include the terms in which you are licensing out the material, where it can be used and how long for. You should expect to get a fee for licensing out any copyrighted material and you should detail the amount in your agreement. This is known as a royalty.

You should ensure that you licensing agreement is written up by a legal professional to ensure that it is highly secure and that you don't leave yourself open to being exploited.

You may also wish to consider registering a trademark for your company. This should be a sign that people associate with your business and could be an image, logo, phrase or any other thing which identifies your company. If someone copies your trade mark you will be able to take legal action against them. Sometimes even if you haven't registered your trade mark you may be able to get compensation if another company uses your logo, as it is illegal to get trade by using a logo which is already associated with another company. When this happens it is known as 'passing off' but it can be difficult to prove.

If your company invents new products, you may wanted to consider getting them patent protected. A patent protects an invention for a specific amount of time so that no one else can make the same invention and sell it.

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Monday, December 16, 2013

How to (Manually) Update iOS 4.3 for iPad - Computers

This new JavaScript reader allows the processor to sift through complex command lines and simplify the processing demand for each page loaded.The next major feature is the all home wi-fi capability. This makes it easy to design a party mix in one room and play it in the living room with your iPhone. This makes music listening much less of a hassle with the current copyright laws for same home users.The possibilities are endless with this technology. NOTE: If you haven't backed up your iPad, it might be wise to do it before installing the new iOS 4.3.After you have updated iTunes to the most recent version, follow the instructions below to update your iPad to iOS 4.3.Normal Update Procedures:1) Open iTunes2) Connect your iPad to you computer7) Updating takes anywhere from 10-45 minutes depending on your download speed. The file size for iOS 4.3 is just under 600 mega bytes.Disable your anti-virus and firewall software and restart iTunes before trying to update your iPad aga in.Manually updating your iPadI generally love Apple products but the most annoying thing as a techie is the limitations one has in using and customizing the Apple OS. I know it's not my internet connection since I have a fiber optics internet connection at home, and every download I ever do goes just fine. So for those of you frustrated with Apple's update through iTunes, here is a tutorial on manually installing the software yourself.2) Open iTunes on your computer and connect your iPad using the USB cable.Mac - Hold the Option key and then click on the "Check for Update/Update" button.b. The long-awaited iOS 4.3 is out and many people are raving about the new capabilities this platform adds to the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad devices. The new iOS expands many capabilities; the most blogged about being enhanced JavaScript processing with JavaScript 2.0. Many iPhone 3G and 3GS users have been complaining about the gradual obsoletion of their device due to software upgrades that require more processor speed. This makes it easy to design a party mix in one room and play it in the living room with your iPhone. This makes music listening much less of a hassle with the current copyright laws for same home users.An expansion of the 4.2 platform now allows users to use the MobileMe software and iOS 4.3 to wipe their iPhone (or iPod/iPad) or display a message stating how to get their device back to them if they lose it. An even cooler part of this combination is the ability to actually track the device while it is on. 2) Connect your iPad to you computer3) Select your iPad in the Source List.5) A pop up box will appear. Click "Download and Update"Update TroubleshootingFor PC users: If you are having trouble downloading and installing the operating system on your iPad, many times that is due to your computer's anti-virus or firewall software. Disable your anti-virus and firewall software and restart iTunes before trying to update your iPad again.3) Dep ending on whether you run Windows or have a MAC, follow.a.

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Sunday, December 15, 2013

AccessoryAds and Adsense! - Advertising

PreambleAccessoryAds enable webmasters to display targeted ads on their websites without competing with their offers, the same way Adsense can do, when you filter your ads.AccessoryAds provide the means for advertisers to also bid on focused keywords. They help webmasters monetize their content, maximizing their page impression.Through its new AccessoryAds program, plans to push the envelope of the targeted ads to its full extent. That's actually more than what is doing right now through its pay per click (PPC) marketing campaigns.Accessoryads program is designed to help those Internet marketers, publishers and webmasters monetize their websites through their own content, by what calls "Category-Accurate Ads" as a parent site of, utilizes the Uniterra article submit services to fund authors and to spread its (PPC) program to reach the top of the (PPC) marketing.Uniterra places all contributed articles in general categories, to generate traffic to its webspace, and income to their own products, while helping different authors get more traffic to their websites.To enhance this marketing and advertising industry, and to refresh that could be a completely prosperous future for the new project, Uniterra implements the AccessoryAds program.The company kicks off this project, through which all authors could make revenues from their articles in stead of just helping the company to get the most profit from them.It seems that this program is designed to help the contributed authors share revenues with This is why those authors need to join affiliate program in order to make their AccessoryAds revenues work.When the author participates in this program, he/she'll not only build his/her link popularity and attract well targeted traffic to his/her blog, from general listing, but he/she can also target his/her content from other preferred categories and monetize his/her ar ticles using the AccessoryAds program through its affiliate channels.All that the author will need is to check a box for this special classification whenever he/she submits his/her articles. That's to say, he/she should check a box says that he/she's an AccessoryAds author, and provide a URL to his/her article on his/her own website. Uniterra will then place these articles with its improved placement.This is the only difference between AccessoryAds and Adsense from this first look. Adsense does not have this articles vehicle to spread the monetization modules.Technically in this area, the one AccessoryAds Unit displays three Units with five ads in each, in different colors, on each page you place the ads units on it.Who's eligible to participate in the affiliate program?All authors who are residents in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland. So, while AccessoryAds are limited here to those areas, Adsense is International.The Chicago IL based comp any,, plans to be the Google rival on the late Adsense experiences. It seems that it works hard to learn from Adsense what Adsense is missing!Well, could we learn from such lessons, to develop our own crazy products;-)

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Refugee Children Are Products of the Dictatorship's Industry! - Family

Refugee children - Let children know about this issue; especially where they see some refugee children in their surroundings. Children will gradually develop a kind of sympathy over all kinds of miseries children face elsewhere. So, help them learn to develop this human current naturally! This will leach the psychological borders. Khalid Osman says!

Global knowledge is better for young children, such as those who can read and understand something when told and explained in simple ways!

You'll create a sense and feed your child feeling positively to feel others' pain. Let this berceuse be a grass-root to humankind progress that grows natural! This is Khalid Osman's species of advice.

Refugee Children represent 45 per cent of the total refugees worldwide according to the UNHCR statistics. Although there're many valuable guidelines and standards developed to rescue, protect and improve the lives of those refugees, there's inadequate implementation of those activities for refugee children.

We do not hope for anyone to face the child misery that people are still facing in a considerable numbers of states in Africa, Asia and even Eastern Europe. Child misery exists sometimes out of those continents, previously called (The Third World) and even in the rest of Europe and America. But the child misery there is different than what Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe have in their luck-stores!

Child misery in America and Europe is not common or governmental industry! So it's not governmental except only in the previous Eastern Block during its disorder and the recent effects.

People in Africa and Asia have it governmental and state's made disasters! So, when the International Organizations come: Oh, "we love the International money" they might say, although they made the crisis. They made it by robbing the national treasury, by living in luxury as ruling elites and forgetting the rural and urban development. So those whom they put in charge of this development take the chance themselves to be rich using the same budget that was put for development.

"I have seen this myself when some key figures I knew, wanted me to take advantage of it. I could simply do by praising them, like other journalists did. But, oh, it's my luck that I've been born disobedient, with my lamp on my hand, seeking the truth by day." Khalid Osman's says, and points out at that lamp on his brain.

Yes some dictators there are doing that, and some others just want to make money out of the misery. The misery here is a dictatorship's industry. Then when people revolt, or when the situations they created originates some armed bands that fight to take their share in robbing the national treasury, they either seek refuge in another state and flee their countries with the stolen treasury or call for peace negotiations to share with those bands their people's sweat that built the national treasury.

Read some stories about that world here at Humanitarian Network

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